If you enjoy live classroom training but find it difficult to commit to the four days required to complete your 30 hours of SAE, then we have a great solution for you. In our combination Classroom/Correspondence format, you can complete half of your course study at home and then finish with two days of live classroom.

At Pioneer School of Real Estate, we believe that learning doesn’t have to be boring. We do our best to provide content that is interesting and relevant to your business. When you leave on the second day, we want you to feel equipped to boost your production and create a real estate business that you dreamed of when you first got your license.

Prior to arriving on the first day of class, you will be required to spend 15 hours in the course material. Materials will be available immediately upon registration. In-person classes are held on two consecutive days from 9:00 to 5:00 with a 30 minute lunch break. Both breakfast and lunch are provided at no additional cost to you.

Currently, we are offering SAE Live in the Katy and Humble areas (suburban Houston). All courses will be listed in the online course catalog. Ready to get started? You can access our course catalog here: Course Catalog